The MaTaCoS project aims at the development of mechanical tools and innovative materials for the restoration of the submerged archaeological heritage, with particular reference to both natural and artificial stone materials.
This project will develop tools that can be adapted to stone materials of different nature, both natural and artificial, and would represent a first and important milestone in this field of application. The cleaning phase, which represents the most critical phase in a restoration process, can be carried out more easily thanks to the versatility of the instrument: this will allow to optimize not only the results in terms of cleaning efficiency of the different types of materials but also in economic terms.
During the MaTaCoS project, a diving brush will be specifically designed for cleaning submerged artifacts. This tool can be used not only for cleaning the most different structures in natural and artificial stone material, but also for cleaning wooden and steel structures. Therefore, the field of cleaning hulls and boats, jetties and off-shore structures in general is added to the field of cleaning submerged archaeological structures: thus, the field of application of the project device is widened. Furthermore, the brush will be integrated with a suction device that will allow the tool to be anchored to the surface to be cleaned, thanks to the depression that will be generated during its use.